Project Description

Specialized technical course for engineering students and professionals.

The technical content will allow the user to identify and analyze the characteristics and behavior of Natural Gas based on its composition from Gas chromatography. Additionally, it is part of the course: Fundamentals of Technical Thermodynamics. The Principles of Thermodynamics and its applications in natural gas treatment processes. gas transformations and thermodynamic cycles. Equations and essential parameters. Thermophysical properties of hydrocarbons. Thermodynamic diagrams of hydrocarbons (T-S, H-S, P-H, P-V).

Specialized technical course for engineering students and professionals associated with the gaseous hydrocarbon industry.

The content of the natural gas compression and expansion course presents in detail the various types and selection of equipment, thermodynamic calculations, operational calculations as well as recommended best practices for design, operation and maintenance regarding equipment associated with compression systems and natural gas expansion.

Natural gas compression and expansion processes are of great importance in the Oil & Gas area, in this sense; technical content and user-friendly application in the workplace and professional growth is presented.

The course on the transport of hydrocarbons through pipelines is conceived to offer the professional a detailed vision to be able to carry out with much greater guarantees their technical work related to gas pipelines, pipelines and oil pipelines.

The Oil and Gas industry and business present themselves with more potential than ever as a technological, professional development and employment niche.

This hydrocarbon transport course tries to share the understanding of the different components of this activity from the initial stages of the value chain of the Oil & Gas area.

Specialized technical course for engineering students and professionals associated with the gaseous hydrocarbon industry.

The content of the course will allow the user to acquire the necessary knowledge for the adequate analysis of the measurement, transport, dehydration, sweetening and compression of natural gas processes; as well as, the fractionation and storage of natural gas liquids (LGN), pressurized and refrigerated storage of the products obtained in the Fractionation of the LGN.